And I am not talking about Ryan Miller…

(click on images for full view)

I’ll tell you…I read about the Broadway Market auction and was outraged, but then my whole mood changed when I saw this in the Buffalo News.

The Zawadzki residence and office @ 798 Fillmore Ave. have been SAVED…I was really worried about this building…it was on the city’s demo list, but got a reprieve by being put on the auction block.

From the Buffalo News…

When an East Amherst couple told friends they planned to buy a decaying Fillmore Avenue building and spend up to $90,000 turning it into their new home, they faced dumbfounded stares.

“A lot of people think we’re crazy,” said Paul V. Harris, a mechanical engineer at Praxair Inc.

He and his wife, Anna J. Harris, grew up Clarence.

“We’re died-in-the-wool suburbanites,” she said. “But I’ve always liked the idea of living in the city. I don’t mind living in nitty-gritty surroundings.”

A L I V E ! ! !

[read the full story in the Buffalo News…]

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4 thoughts on “A huge save…

  1. WOW ! Wish I had the courage they have…..this sounds like a wonderful first step in rebirth, welcome to the Broadway Fillmore area. I felt so undermined with the BMMC auction and all the negative atitudes and then I see this wonderfull brave couple, wow what hope for Buffalo …….cheers !

  2. This is a very positive and exciting thing for Fillmore Ave. All it takes is one home being repaired and a willingness to go forward to turn the neighborhood/street around. I wish Paul and Anna Harris the best of luck.

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