St. Adalbert Basilica is one of the neighborhood’s historic treasures. It’s been part of the Broadway-Fillmore neighborhood since the 19th century. One way to help protect the basilica for future generations is to have it receive local landmark status.
Take a few minutes to send a letter of support or come to the September 8 meeting of the City of Buffalo’s Preservation Board to help ensure the basilica receives local landmark status.
Please help St. Adalbert Basilica become a local landmark! Our local landmark application for St. Adalbert’s Basilica is scheduled for a public hearing before the City of Buffalo’s Preservation Board on September 8, 2022. We are asking you to express your support of the local landmark application by either attending and speaking at the September 8th public hearing (virtually or in-person), or by submitting a written comment to the Preservation Board. A template for comments is included below. You can view the full landmark application at
Public hearing details: September 8, 2022, 3pm, Buffalo City Hall
Instructions for attending virtually:
Template for written comments:
Dear City of Buffalo Preservation Board,
I am writing in support of the local landmark application for St. Adalbert’s Basilica at 208 Stanislaus Street. This notable Romanesque style building has served Buffalo’s Polish community for over 100 years, and has the distinction of being the only basilica church located in the city of Buffalo.
This significant structure deserves the protection of local landmarking, and I ask that you recommend the landmark application to the Common Council for designation.
[address]Comments should be emailed to:
Chris Hawley, Senior Planner
Gwen Howard, Preservation Board Chair ghowardbuffalopresboard@gmail.comOR mailed to:
Preservation Board, 920 City Hall, Buffalo, NY 14202
Located at 208 Stanislaus Street, St. Adalbert’s Basilica was designed by architect Raymond Huber and completed in 1891. The Romanesque style church features interior murals by local painter Jozef C. Mazur, whose work decorates many Buffalo churches. St. Adalbert’s is the second-oldest Polish congregation in Buffalo, and the only church in the city designated as a basilica.
Unfortunately, the future of St. Adalbert’s is uncertain. Since 2011 it has been part of the St. John Kanty Parish Community and only holds a limited number of annual services. As the Diocese of Buffalo pursues parish reorganization as part of its Road to Renewal plan, we are proactively seeking local landmarking for St. Adalbert’s in order to ensure the building’s future protection.
Read more about St. Adalbert Basilica:
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