A Boost for Broadway – In the News

I think we all realize that there are no silver bullet solutions for the east side. The author of this editorial realizes that too. I like to think that the positive sentiments expressed in this op ed may be indicative of a public paradigm shift and recognition that the east side has great potential. Could it be true? I hope so!

(Buffalo News Editorial) Cold policy decisions drive a lot of urban renewal, but art also plays a role. And for what once was the heart of one of Buffalo’s most vibrant neighborhoods, new life may stem from the art of seeing hope where most see only decay.

At what is arguably Buffalo’s most storied address— 9-9-8 Broadway, made famous by a generation-spanning jingle for the Sattler’s department store that once stood on the site—True Bethel Baptist Church is eyeing plans to convert a vacant Kmart building into a new performing arts center and 800-seat banquet facility. Good news in itself, that effort also could spur the synergy that other groups have so long sought for Broadway-Fillmore redevelopment.

The site is across the street from the landmark Broadway Market, itself struggling for rejuvenation. It’s near Corpus Christi Catholic Church, taken over in recent years by an order of priests intent on boosting the neighborhood as well as preserving the gorgeous church. And it’s not far from the Central Terminal, newly considered as a possible high-speed rail station and long the focus of preservation attempts.

[read full story–>]

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