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6 thoughts on “Images from Saint Adalbert’s Time Capsule

  1. I am THRILLED to see the picture of the main altar, 1925. The first statue on the left on the main altar is St. Stanislaus Kostka. Msgr. Joe Bialek gave me that statue years ago and I treasure it. I have it in my office at church. It is wonderful to finally see the place that statue originally came from. Thank you for this treasured photo!

  2. The main altar was moved to the front of the church (where the Mother Angela Prayer Room was, and now the Gift Shop) when the present altar came around 1930. They called it the Altar of the Patron Saints of Poland (the others are Stanislaus B.M., Casimir, and Waclaw). I think that’s where it remained until Msgr Bialek removed it (it was certainly there in 1936) but none of the parishioners I’ve asked remember what that room was before they converted it in the ’70s.

  3. Charles,

    It would be good to know what other things were given away to people who may live all over the United States.

    It’s good that Stan told us about the piece he was given.


    Do you have an idea about other things ? It would be good to try to get these items back to Buffalo eventually, just like the Central Terminal people are doing.


  4. St. Pius X Church in Getzville got the dead Jesus statue that they used many years ago for Good Friday. Not sure if they still have it, but I don;t see why they wouldn’t. I know it ended up there because Bialek gave it to me and I gave it to them!

  5. St. Adalbert’s still has a dead Jesus statue – Jesus in the tomb – that is under the Perpetual Help altar and uncovered during the Easter Triduum. Was the one given to St. Pius X a different representation? Interesting – I had wondered because the current one doesn’t look too old.

    I know the altar railing and some marble angels were sold to Salvatore’s but don’t know what happened to everything else. Unfortunately, one administrator did put a lot of stuff in the dumpster.

    Like Andy, I wish more was done to preserve B-F’s past. Queens, Trans, and St. Joachim’s all had very beautiful altars, statues, etc. It’s hard to find memorabilia of any of those churches.

  6. The one I got was given to me in 1981/82. It was used that year at St. Pius. I drive it in my own car from St. Adalbert to Msgr. Connnelly at St. Pius. It used to be stored in the electric room near the back sacristry door to the church.

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