Ghost Hunters at the Buffalo Central Terminal afterthoughts

Oh my…that was very cool and scary…if you missed it, the episode will be online soon…the creepiest part were the voices they recorded…especially when they captured the voice saying GO HOME!

Did anyone else watch?  What did you think?

I also thought the interaction with the ghost lady from the 1940s who was waiting for someone to arrive by train was pretty wild.

Tracy from the Terminal crew was an awesome host…it was also cool watching the TAPS crew driving through B-F and seeing things like the bridge at Memorial Drive and Broadway or School 44 in the background.

Judging from our webstats, they spiked incredibly during and after the show with people searching the net for the Central Terminal…great publicity!

If you haven’t checked out, you can click here to watch another Ghost Hunter episode when they visited the Iron Island Museum.

UPDATE:  Hey…if you made your way here in search of our incredible Central Terminal, click here to go to their site!

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9 thoughts on “Ghost Hunters at the Buffalo Central Terminal afterthoughts

  1. just happened to see that program. as a child, i remember that terminal quite well. my grandfather was a chef for NYC Railroad. my family spent vacations traveling by train from Buffalo. i loved going to the terminal. it was such a majestic building. it was heartbreaking to see it’s current condition. another building i used to frequent as a child was the Humboldt Parkway Museum, which i will now google. i applaud efforts to restore the terminal which judging by the photos, is a herculean task.

  2. Check out this image!

    In a showing of T.A.P.S. this last Wednesday/Thursday here in Sacramento,California, On September 24, “2008” there was a painting of a child, the painting is mine! Click on the above addresses, and take a look at a picture of; the first address of my daughter who is presumed the last one alive, she still lives with me. The second address they used to say was I, but it is not, it is another daughter of mine. I would like the painting returned to me. Visit my site at

    This is a picture of another of my children. For years they try to say it was I……….but it isn’t.

  3. As for the terminal, ever heard of Julienne’s Towers; and the comment about the train would never be on time with out Julienne’s towers.

    There is so much I know, regarding all these places you call haunted. I personally don’t believe in ghosts, but if there ever would be a place that would be haunted it would be those which are shown, with the horrors which occurred there. Part of Pearl Harbor attacks, and Tora Tora Tora happened in Italy, and Espana, I was there, and wrote the original book; Memoirs, as I was there at the terrors which happened at the Ol’ Grand Buffalo Train Station, better known as Julienne’s.

    I had wonderful joyess moments there, and lived many horrors there. I witnessed when the man at the drinking water faucet was murdered. You know that we had refrigerated filtered drinking water fountains, and hot water showers. There was an man who used to work for the Grand Train Station. Some say he was the Custodian, as in Janitor, but that would depend on who you were speaking of. Many lived under there, with continuous attacks on us. They were left with nothing, and they awaited my return. And I would return when I was able, and would rebuild, but again they would bomb, and terrorize us. They put me under telekinesis, and had me call him out as I always did, and then killed him. Even my sons died there……… I had many children, and grandchildren.

    1. Hi I was at the grand central station just last night and believe I may have seen a hellhound but it didn’t come out of where it was hiding bc of the natural light. Is this also where your mom saw the hellhounds?

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