As I was walking down Delaware Avenue towards the Statler after parking the Byrdmobile near Franklin and Tupper, I got nervous. Why? I worry…I worried that no one would show up at the Statler and it would just be one big disaster…when you work on things in B-F, worry is part of the package. You know what though, I shouldn’t have worried at all…the Statler was ALIVE…ALIVE with what you ask…THE BROADWAY MARKET…there were people everywhere…Market vendors were busy…the Statler looked amazing…this pairing of East Side cool with Downtown cool was a match made in heaven…I literally walked around the Statler lobby and terrace in awe of what was going on.

All the credit I can muster up goes to Bashar Issa…when meeting with him a couple months ago at the Market, he put the use of the Statler on the table as a way to promote next weekend’s Christmas Fair at the Market…everything else…today…blossomed out of the offer.

In that meeting back in September, Mr. Issa kept on talking about how each time he comes to Buffalo he discovers a new treasure and included the Broadway Market as one of those treasures…for those of us who work very hard to keep these treasures alive, it was music to our ears. I guess that is why he knew by offering use of his treasure in Niagara Square to promote B-F’s treasure the Broadway Market would work…so much for worrying.

It was just fun to be part of and really set the stage for next weekend’s Christmas Food Fair at the Market.

A few weeks ago Bishop Grosz from St. Stan’s said this when he formally announced the Saint Stan’s Gardens project…

…”If you are positive and motivated, you are likely to get good results.” and “Let’s stop dreaming and let’s start doing.”

That is the truth!!!


(Click here to view hi-res Windows Media version of slide show…)

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3 thoughts on “Slide Show: The Market @ The Statler – 11/15/2007

  1. Thank you Mr Issa..for seeing the beauty in the East Side as we do and opening up the Statler to new ideas.. Im glad yesterday was successful and hope it turns into a regular event.. New ideas ROCK!

  2. The cabbage rolls were great…So good that by the time a co-worker got there on her lunch they were all gone (lucky me, I went fairly early). So she settled for some fantastic hamburgers and the card of the business to go buy more!

    It was a great idea! If you do it again in some fashion maybe you could find a way to publicize through the County and City email system…or maybe you were able to do the City? Just about everyone I talked to wandered over!

  3. Becky,

    Thanks for the comments…I see these in the Market’s future on a regular basis…

    We need Market groupies…



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