I went with Michele, her daughters and her friend Rena to the Urban League’s sleepout for the homeless on Friday. Michele did her usual great job with her speech! I’m so humbled by the people who work so selflessly in this city. They are an inspiration to me! You can find out more on the evening in Michele’s blog.

On Saturday, Derek, Russell Pawlak and I played hosts to the Buffalo Old Home Week crowd in a tour of the Central Terminal. We had about 130 people, some interested in moving back to Buffalo, tour the terminal and buy over $400 worth of CTRC merchandise. It was great to see that all the hard work that Amy, Marti, Jessica, Harvey and countless others put into BOHW was such a rousing success! We had no idea what size crowd to expect and we were definitely busy! Amy and I are talking about possibly expanding the use of the terminal for BOHW next year. Stay tuned!