Reminder: BBQ Chicken Dinner @ Saint Stan’s on 06/28


On Sunday, June 28th, there is a Barbeque Chicken Dinner at Saint Stan’s featuring Wendel’s Chicken from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. in the Marian Hall.

Tickets are $ 8.00 for adults and $ 5.00 for children under 12. Tickets may be purchased at the rectory office or before and after weekend Masses. If there are any bakers out there, Saint Stan’s is looking for donated homemade baked goods for the Chicken Barbeque. Goodies may be brought to the Marian Hall on Sunday morning of the BBQ.

For more info on the BBQ, call Saint Stan’s…716.854.5510

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One thought on “Reminder: BBQ Chicken Dinner @ Saint Stan’s on 06/28

  1. You’ll be able to get your weed and crack too !! Just down the street.

    Drugs continue to be sold in front of St Stanislaus church, on Townsend and Wilson streets between Peckham and William. In the 15 years that I have witnessed, Nothing EFFECTIVE has been done to COMPLETELY STOP this dealing. Yet the police ride around with, “Pay Police, as if your life depends on it “ stickers.

    The effects are visible, a massive amount of people have left the area, and house after house after house is now blighted or been demolished. Within 20 years, could this lead to the closure of the church ? YES.
    Well it has a 15 year Lease with Catholic Charities, which I consider a positive sign. However, a dead body was dropped behind this building a few years ago. It might have had an effect on the decision to close the school. It’s my belief, that as drug dealing continues, once in maybe several thousands deals something violent happens.

    It is my continued opinion that the drugs being sold, 400 – 500 feet in front of the church is ALLOWED to go on. The dealers seem content and don’t look like they plan to go anywhere. The large volume marijuana dealing appears to have moved, the Central Command Drug House continues on Townsend, and they can easily move it back. This Townsend family has done in my estimation 300,000 – 400,000 drug deals in the last 20 years, taking out at least 15 – 20 Million. The result is a negative effect of what I call economic destruction, houses dumped, unpaid water and tax bills etc. I would guess several million dollars of destruction.

    So recently when I was written up for housing court, and I checked the records to see that the drug house across the street has been given 3 ½ years just between the first two court dates, I ask shouldn’t I also be given the same time to fix my property? The city arraigns the Ex wife and she claims no responsibility, but now going on 4 years then serves the “Street Godfather” after I complained. Hmmm, unequal treatment because they generate millions of dollars? Two other houses nearby at 70 & 75 Townsend, used by this drug family, dragged on in court for 6 years and 40 court dates. When I remember the housing court Judge at a Masten community meeting say, “We’re not going to give you 2 years” Some of this drag had to deal with the city and the owner himself of both buildings. With the housing court rep saying, “Sometimes we mess up” Are there different standards for the Fillmore district?

    Well, St Stans cemetery continues to look better than their surrounding church neighborhood. With the Ten’s of Millions of dollars the church has taken in over the years, I feel it could be doing a much better job in trying to improve the neighborhood. I didn’t like how the church had hired a member of the drug family for 4 years in its rehab work. I watched how 1 – 2 times a day he would go back and forth to the Central Command Drug House to check in. The developer didn’t listen to my concerns, and later named the worker as a project manager for the one new house development. A guy who didn’t drive or own a house, he later died of lung cancer at 53. I told the Bishop, as long as the drug dealing continues, I’m against these new built homes.

    I see recently the city has plans to add a camera to the William/ Fillmore intersection, but nothing to deal with this Townsend / Peckham, just up the street dealing. St Stans could be putting up their own small cameras to record verifiable evidence of the dealing that goes on, and use this to place a LAWSUIT against the City of Buffalo, to force EFFECTIVE real change in improving the neighborhood.

    Sunday afternoon I’ll be doing my continued Protest on the corner of Fillmore / East Ferry across from the C District Police station, about 40+ dates so far.

    Ron Mondry

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