St. Stanislaus Parish and Pastor Father Mariusz Dymek will host a special unscheduled 10 a.m. Mass on Sunday, July 22 in cooperation with the Pułaski
Tag: Saint Stanislaus Buffalo

Saint Stanislaus church is sponsoring a Barbecue Chicken Dinner featuring Wendel’s Chicken on Sunday, May 20, 2018 in the Marian Hall. Dinner includes: Chicken, homemade

This video is part of Bishop Malone’s press conference yesterday. [fb_pe url=”” bottom=”30″]

From the things you never expect to read about department, Buffalo Diocese Bishop Richard Malone will be making the former convent at Saint Stan’s his home.

This is Saint Stan’s latest bulletin containing news and information from the church. Click here to view—>

LENTEN RETREATS: All are welcome and encouraged to participate in preparation for the Resurrection of our Lord at Saint Stan’s. The Lenten Retreat Schedule will

Here are some photos and a video of yesterday’s Annual Festival of Christmas Carols at Saint Stan’s shot by DJ Red. Enjoy. It’s great to see

The Polish Singers Alliance of America, District IX will present its Annual Festival of Christmas Carols (Koledy) on Sunday, December 3, 2017 at Saint Stanislaus

The Chopin Singing Society’s 118th annual concert will take place on Sunday, October 15, 2017 at 3:00 PM at Saint Stanislaus Church located at Peckham

A couple of weeks ago, Broadway Fillmore Alive did an interview with the parish council president of Saint Stan’s about the challenges the church faces.