Buffalo Mass Mob XXX at Saint Adalbert Basilica on November 3rd

When Buffalo Mass Mob started five years ago, the goal was to get fifty to a hundred people to show up to our Mass Mobs. The first at St. Adalbert Basilica did substantially better that. The second at Our Lady of Perpetual Help packed the church full. The third at St. John Kanty did the same. That’s when the group knew were truly onto something that was bigger than they ever expected. From there, Buffalo Mass Mob has been packing the pews in and around Buffalo since then.

To celebrate their thirtieth Mass Mob and five year anniversary, Buffalo Mass Mob is going back to St. Adalbert Basilica on Saturday, November 3rd, 2018 for the church’s annual Mass of Remembrance at 5:30pm. It is almost exactly five years to the day when the first Mass Mob was held there.

The Mass of Remembrance is an opportunity to remember those who have passed on. You can participate by ordering a candle from the church. You can include a name of a departed loved one on the candle when ordering. The candles will be available at the church prior to Mass for pickup. During the service, each name submitted to the church will be read aloud. At that time, people who ordered a candle will be asked to bring their candle(s) up to the altar. The candles will be placed around the altars of the church. It is a beautiful ceremony. You can download a candle form by visiting the St. Adalbert’s website, www.SaintAdabertBasilica.org.

The Mass will also feature the wonderful voice of soprano vocalist Brittany Mruczek, accompanied by Steve Kroczynski on guitar. There will be a reception after Mass in the back of the church. It will be a great chance to walk around the church and mingle with people from St. Adalbert’s.
St. Adalbert Basilica is only open to the public a handful of times a year. Mass Mob XXX will be a great opportunity to experience this truly special place. It is located at 212 Stanislaus Street in East Buffalo.

Buffalo is known for its incredible architecture. Part of this architectural mix are the many churches located throughout Buffalo. These houses of worship helped shape and define the city as we know it. It is Buffalo Mass Mob’s hope to help create more awareness and appreciation for sacred sites in Western New York through the simple act of experiencing them in their intended purpose and encourage people to attend Buffalo’s historic and heritage churches. The group has received national and international press for their efforts. They also inspired people in other cities to start their own Mass Mobs.

More information about Buffalo Mass Mob can be found on the group’s website, www.BuffaloMassMob.org.

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